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Black Tea


China Black Tea

Anhui Province

Keemun black tea
Produced in Qimen County and the neighboring areas close to Yellow Mountain in Anhui Province, China, Keemun black tea is a competitive type of black tea in China. This is attributed to the high yield and excellent quality of tea trees growing in the region thanks for the rich soil and favorable weather. Being famous at home and abroad for its excellent quality, Keemun black tea is one of the three major sorts of tea with intense fragrance which are globally recognized

Fujian Province

Lapsang souchong 正山小种,
is a black tea originally from the Wuyi region of the Chinese province of Fujian. It is sometimes referred to as smoked tea (熏茶). Lapsang is distinctive from all other types of tea because lapsang leaves are traditionally smoke-dried over pinewood fires, taking on a distinctive smoky flavour.
The name in Fukienese means "smoky variety" or more correctly "smoky sub-variety." Lapsang souchong is a member of the Wuyi Bohea family of teas. The story goes that the tea was created during the Qing era when the passage of armies delayed the annual drying of the tea leaves in the Wuyi hills. Eager to satisfy demand, the tea producers sped up the drying process by having their workers dry the tea leaves over fires made from local pines.
Tanyang Gongfu 坦洋 工 夫;The king of the Fujian Artisan Red Teas. One of the three Famous Fujian Black Tea.
Zhenghe Gongfu 政和 工 夫;One of the three Famous Fujian black tea, with a slight honey flavor.
Bailin Gongfu白琳功夫;One of the three Famous Fujian Red black tea.
Yin Junmei 银骏 眉 Silver Steed Eyebrow;Mount Wuyi Fujian Province, A higher grade version of Zhengshan xiaozhong (aka. Lapsang Souchong)
Jin Junmei 金骏 眉 Golden Steed Eyebrow;MountWuyi Fujian Province ,One of the highest grade red teas in mainland China.

Yunnan Province

Dian hong 滇红
"Yunnan Red",is a Chinese black tea which is used as a relatively high end gourmet black tea and is sometimes used in various tea blends. The main difference between Dian hong and other Chinese black teas is the amount of fine leaf buds, or "golden tips," present in the dried tea. Fermented with lychee, rose and longan, Dian hong teas produces a brew that is brassy golden orange in colour with a sweet, gentle aroma and no astringency. Cheaper varieties of Dian hong produce a darker brownish brew that can be very bitter.

Guangdong Province

Ying De Hong英徳紅
The tea has a cocoa-like aroma and a sweet aftertaste, one can find a peppery note.

Zhejiang Province

Jiu Qu Hong Mei九曲红梅
This tea is characterised by tight fishhook-like leaves with a lustrous black color. The infusion is brightly reddish and has a long smooth aftertaste.
yixing black tea 宜兴红茶

Sichuan Province

A unique tea that can also be called brick tea; it is well known as "Tibetan tea" for centuries